
Rainy Day, Dream All Day!

Things started out on the good foot-Bro Love had a nice little e-mail followed up by some new tunes, hurt me baby. The BroLo's guitar man-John Caban did the digital transfering and informed me that he and another very talented hombre-Bennett Paster are cooking up an Organic but very Funky brew ala MMW and Bernie Worrell, etc.

John and Bennett graciously permitted me to incorporate part of one of their smoking tunes: Shakin' the Hen House into our Intro/outro, now that's what I'm talking about-I can get my dose of Funkified Chicken Fat every time I pick up the mic.

Since the Organic gang got the NYC side of my left brain going, couldn't resist playing TV on the Radio's: Satellite, followed by the raucous Bloc Party's tasty-Banquet, Organic's Shakin' the Hen House, set closer is the aforementiond Brother Love again gettin us in the mood for "Summertime" and strolling along in Prospect Park. Ah, reminds me of the summertimes of my boyhood in the former Dutch colony. Bye, bye rain!


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